Support for Alternative Provision.

What support do we offer for alternative provisions?

Whether you are a large established AP school or a small unregistered alternative provision start-up we can offer you support..

Guide to opening an Alternative Provision.

Our basic guide to opening an alternative provision is one of our most popular resources. Laying out clear and simple steps and guidance, we’ve had lots of feedback that this is a really helpful place to start. Link to it here.

AP Support package.

All you need to begin your AP journey. With a new detailed start-up guide, policy templates, checklists and planning tools. Including a consultation meeting and email based ongoing support. The package costs just £295.00

Feasibility studies

We offer studies to help you with your due diligence before you take the commitment to open an AP. We will research the local market, find you contacts for local authorities and schools and help you to understand if your plans are viable. Studies cost from £500 depending on depth, detail and scope. Link here for more details and to get started.

Accountability service

We know how challenging it is to provide external support and accountability with a small AP team. We offer regular external accountability meetings along with reliable, experienced safeguarding and complaints support. Costs start at £30 per month and vary with organisation size. Link here for more details.

Consultation and Coaching

We offer a consultation service to support your AP opening or improvement. This can take the form of regular meetings or single sessions. Lots of our clients find it helpful to meet every month or so to support their planning and development. We also support our meetings with paperwork where it’s helpful and access to our contacts and networks across local authorities and other APs. We work on £80 for an hours consultation with some negotiation around price for multiple sessions. You can book them here.

Policy Packs

Our policies have been checked and approved across various local authorities and through Ofsted inspections. We can create a policy pack for you to meet local framework requirements or the independent school standards. Policy packs for unregistered provisions cost £650 and to meet the Independent School Standards cost £990.

Framework applications and support

We regularly help alternative provisions to gain approved status with local authority frameworks. We can write your application and help produce the policies and associated documents you need to help with this. A framework application with associated policies and paperwork costs £850

Support for registering as an independent school

We can help you work through your registration as an independent school, work to meet the independent school standards and prepare for Ofsted inspections. We work on £550 per day which includes a physical premises visit where appropriate.

Practice Improvement visit

We can visit you to help support you to improve. Whether it be around safeguarding and compliance, curriculum, inclusion or behaviour. We can focus on your areas for development and work to help you develop. Visits and follow up are charged at a £550 daily rate.

Book a consultation or free conversation with close the gaps

Book an exploratory conversation or in-depth consulation.