Expectations of a school using alternative provision

There are two places from which expectations for the use of alternative provision in a mainstream school can be drawn, the Ofsted framework and DfE guidance.


Ofsted expectations:

 At the start of an inspection inspectors will establish whether there are any students in off-site provision (Full or Part-time) including those being ran by the school. They will ask for further details. It’s important to have an up-to-date list and for school leaders on the initial call to be clear about which provisions they are using and how many pupils are out.


Ofsted will ‘Evaluate the extent to which placements are safe and effective in promoting pupil progress’.


The ‘safe’ part is evidenced by local authority checks and approval, The AP’s Ofsted registration and checks but particularly school checks and regular reviews. The school is responsible for the safety of their pupils at any provision so should have undertaken reviews of safeguarding at provisions themselves.


‘Effectiveness’ can be evidenced by pupil progress against the objectives for the placement. The objectives should be shared with the placement, pupil, parents and clearly measured over time. Has attendance, behaviour or progress improved over the placement?

To demonstrate this it means setting clear objectives at the beginning of a placement. Having clear baseline data and the ability to track data from the placement. It also means having regular review points during the placement. These may have to be driven by the school, reporting isn’t always regular or consistent from placements.

It raises the question – if, over time there is no improvement in line with the objectives does the placement need changing or re-thinking?


During an inspection alternative provision placements may be called or physically visited (normally called). Questions focus on whether the commissioning school is taking responsibility for its pupils. Examples of questions include: How many students does the school have with you? How often are they in contact? How often do they visit?


If a placement isn’t full-time then the question will be asked: ‘How are students kept safe if they aren’t on site for the whole school day?’

Is there a policy for assessing the vulnerability of the students involved? Are welfare checks made regularly and responded to appropriately? What are schools doing to make sure pupils are safe?


If a student isn’t in a full-time timetable this shouldn’t be considered a long-term solution. Any part-time provision (either in school or out) should come with a monitored time limited plan that moves towards a full-time conclusion. It would be helpful to track improvements (in attendance etc), as a result of this plan to evidence that it is effective..


Pupils are expected to have access to a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’ so any variations to this should be clearly planned, evidenced and tracked with a limited time span and clear objectives.


The Ofsted framework will assess ‘how well a school continues to take responsibility for its pupils’ and whether ‘leaders ensure a suitable and safe placement to meet academic, vocational, pastoral or SEN needs’


Ofsted are likely to speak to pupils attending alternative provision. Sometimes pupils in alternative provision have difficulty speaking to those in ‘authority’ positions. Ofsted inspectors are often dressed in formal suits with clipboards and can be intimidating for a pupil struggling in education.  Are the pupils prepared for conversations with Ofsted? Are they able to communicate about their placement?


Leadership and management can be seen as inadequate if:

·      There is inadequate or ineffective use of AP.

·      There are no necessary steps to check the quality of AP.

·      Leaders are not aware of the numbers of their students in AP.

·      They are not taking responsibility for students in AP.

·      There are inadequate part-time timetables in place.




DfE Guidance over use of alternative provision:

This isn’t statutory for academies but is it is expected to be followed as a guide to good practice.


If it isn’t followed then there should be ‘reasonable grounds for not having followed it’ If a plan for a pupil is different and limited then the rationale should be clearly documented.


Key points from the guidance for school leaders:

  • The responsibility for pupils rests with the commissioner.

  • There should be clear procedures to exchange information, monitor progress and pastoral support.

  • A student should receive the same amount of education as they would in a maintained school (18+ hours is considered full time). The one qualification to this is if the student has a medical condition.

  • If a placement is part-time the student should attend school as normal on other days.

  • Parents should have clear information including why, when, where and how the placement will be reviewed.

  • The placement should be regularly reviewed through ‘frequent visits to the provider’.

  • Placements should have clearly defined objectives with an end point of re-integration, further education, training or employment.


Schools should seek pupil views on the success of a placement.


In terms of a quality AP (what schools should be looking for in providers):

They should employ suitably qualified staff.

They should have good arrangements for working with other services.

They should have good educational attainment on a par with mainstream with appropriate accreditations and qualifications.

They should improve pupil motivation, self-confidence, attendance and engagement.


Action points for school leaders:

  • Know exactly which pupils are out and at which provisions.

  • Make sure any provision used by your school is quality checked regularly for all aspects (not just safeguarding).

  • Create a pupil level plan for each student on AP or part-time timetables. Make sure plans have clear objectives, rationale, reviews and end-points. Make sure all stakeholders are aware and understand the plan.

  • Facilitate regular reviews and visits to provisions.

  • Ensure communication is clear and regular between school and provisions tracking behaviour, attendance, progress and safeguarding.

  • Track data from the placement and compare this with baseline data to evidence effectiveness. Be prepared to change plans if they aren’t working.

  • Review each placement as it ends, including with pupils.


Setting up an internal provision.